Advance Morning News
It's Sunday, November 3, 2024. Today's stories include a preview of our election coverage, book reviews, humorist Drew Gallagher, and political cartoonist Clay Jones.
Election 2024
Tomorrow morning the Advance will unveil its coverage of Election Day, with all the details you need to vote on Tuesday as well as our exclusive look at the situation on the eve of Election 2024.
On Tuesday, the Advance will deliver wall-to-wall coverage, from the time the polls open until late into the evening when decisions are finalized.
Our team of reporters is unrivaled in the 540 for their experience covering elections at the national, state, and local levels — Martin Davis, Adele Uphaus, Hank Silverberg, and Laura Carter bring more than 70 years combined experience.
Our coverage this year builds off our unparalleled coverage in 2023. This year we will roll out several new features, and we will have a fully staffed Decision Desk dedicated to keeping you up to date on the latest results.
Then Wednesday morning, Martin Davis will break it all down — who won and lost, and why; what the new Congress means for the 540; and interviews with those who have been most responsible for the candidates and the election outcomes.
Tuesday is an important day. And the Advance will be there with you every step of the way.
Share the Advance with your friends and neighbors today, so they can stay on top of the Election results with our experienced team.
Sunday Books & Culture
Edited by Vanessa Sekinger
This week's reviews include Jessica Anthony’s multi-perspective retro relationship novel “The Most” and Stephanie Wrobel’s Alfred Hitchcock themed thriller “The Hitchcock Hotel.”
Read the full set of reviews
Live and Let Dice
By Drew Gallagher
Do you remember playing Dungeons & Dragons? Did it lead you worship Satan? Do you know the definition of necromancy? If so, take a trip down memory lane with Drew. And bring your die.
Read the full story
CLAY JONES: Solving the Teacher Shortage
Adele Uphaus’ piece this past week about the pressures that a growing special education population is placing on Spotsylvania schools caught the eye of Clay Jones. The county’s struggling to solve the problem, but Clay has a thought or two on the situation.
See the political cartoon
Read the obits for the past week
Local Obituaries
To view local obituaries or to send a note to family and loved ones, please visit the link that follows.
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First to report on a Spotsylvania School teacher arrested for bringing drugs onto campus.
First to report on new facility fees leveled by MWHC on patient bills.
First to detail controversial traffic numbers submitted by Stafford staff on the Buc-ee’s project
Provided extensive coverage of the cellphone bans that are sweeping local school districts.
And so much more, like Clay Jones, Drew Gallagher, Hank Silverberg, and more.
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