Appointed School Boards Are a Better Path
Elected school boards have been a disaster for local school systems. Putting politics first has resulted in conflicts with Boards of Supervisors and City Councils. The result has been underfunded schools as both Boards’ members seek to retain their place in office. A stereotypical example of this is readily seen south of our city.
In the 1980s school boards were appointed by a School Board Selection Commission. This commission was appointed by the local circuit judge. As a member of the Stafford School Board during most of the 1980s, I can report that there was far less bickering. Board members were always professional and listened politely to the opinions of each other.
Our joint meetings with the Board of Supervisors were not stressful, and both boards were agreeable to compromise on budget and new construction plans.
We kept the public informed as to our plans, with the goal of maximum transparency. We only held closed-door meetings when absolutely necessary.
In summary, I think the legislature made a mistake in changing to elected school boards.
It would have made more sense if elected boards had been given taxing authority.
Still, appointed boards would provide better leadership of school divisions in Virginia.
Harry Farley
‘Different People’ Should Bring Out Our ‘Higher Selves’
I shake my head in bemusement at how upsetting the reality of sexual diversity can be to many people. By contrast, I think of the joyous sense of freedom at the Pride event at the downtown park last Sunday. Persecution was briefly set aside.
Nature/God/evolution produces variety in people as well as plants and animals. Evolution also seems to produce in animals including mankind an innate fear and distrust of “other” as a survival mechanism. This can still serve us well or ill.
All kinds of misinformation can be produced about the feared unknown.
When the “different” person appears among us, let us appeal to our higher selves to help us to truly learn what traits to tolerate, fear, ignore, or welcome.
Karen Kallay
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Really well said, and I totally agree.
Yes. Appointed.