The News That Had Our Readers Talking: June 28 - July 5
What were the most-read stories of the week?
by Martin Davis
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The week just past saw a congressional battle over farms, Fredericksburg says “No” to cell phones, a Methodist church finding promise in challenge, the Fredericksburg EDA asking for a big handout, and a dismissal in yet another Spotsylvania School Board court case.
Also this past week, a look at how leading with politics has positioned the public well, Drew takes a turn into dark humor, and Clay Jones goes WAY back in time to make sense of Mary’s Landing plat debate.
5. Congressional Battle Will Affect Food Bank
The Farm Bill is stalled in Congress. Its resolution will significantly affect the growing food-insecure population. The question is, will it be for better or worse?
4. Fredericksburg School Board Approves Cell Phone Ban
New policy and regulation prohibit student use of personal communication devices during the instructional day.
3. Fredericksburg United Methodist Church Living into New Reality
The split in the United Methodist Church over sexuality has created challenges for congregations. At Fredericksburg UMC, it may be charting a path into a new, promising future.
2. Fredericksburg EDA Presents Plan to 'Address Homelessness Crisis'
Fredericksburg’s Economic Development Authority last week presented City Council with a three-pronged plan to “address the homeless crisis, both immediately and into the future.”
1. Judge Dismisses Assault and Battery Case Against Spotsylvania School Board Member Nicole Cole
A visiting judge on Monday morning dismissed a misdemeanor assault and battery charge brought by Spotsylvania School Board member Lisa Phelps against fellow School Board member and Vice Chair Nicole Cole.
COMMENTARY: Leading with Politics Has Failed Spotsylvania Schools
We must replace politics with people. And that means listening to all parties involved, working to solve problems, and putting self at the bottom of the proverbial barrel.
Humor doesn’t always lead to people falling down and laughing. Sometimes, humor can take a darker tone. Such is the case with today’s column by Drew.
Clay Jones: One Plat Map’s As Good As Another
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