Dean - I bought a Kobalt, too, about the same time. It's been great. I did learn to not leave the battery on the charger all the time, so had to replace that about 2 years in. But at $120, it was a lot cheaper than buying a new lawnmower, and I recycled the battery. Tall grass can be a challenge, so I'm motivated to not let it grow so long :)

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Yes, while I tend to forget, keeping it off the charger does extend its life. That said, I'm still on my first battery.

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Thank you for this article. Air pollution produced by gas powered lawn equipment is one part of the problem. The noise produced by these machines is a significant environmental problem also. The use of chemicals on lawns needs to have stringent controls placed on them. There are health threats to people, pets and wildlife by overuse of these chemicals. Lawn service companies are more interested in making a near term profit than protecting the environment and the marketing information provided to the potential consumer is misleading. The Clean & Green Commission has an opportunity to educate homeowners to change their thinking from nurturing a green lawn to growing their own small ecosystem that supports all living creatures by shrinking their lawn and planting native species. In 1962, Rachel Carson said “In nature, nothing exists alone.”

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I bought my Kobalt electric mower about 4 years ago, and loving it! It always starts immediately, it's much quieter, and does a great job. Except when the grass is really tall, I can do my average size suburban lawn without needing to recharge. I also have moved to (Craftsman) electric drills, chain saws, jigsaws, and circular saws. Looking closely at getting a hedge trimmer and weed whacker as well. No need to store the 2 cycle mixture, and always ready when I need them.

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