Happily, I have little to do with Spotsy schools. What little I have to judge the matter on is the words of Mr Davis vs those of Mr Kenney.

Having read both, what I do note is that Mr Davis appears to be much more able to provide facts regarding what he claims and what he concludes. Whereas Mr Kenney appears to provide multiple suppositions and conclusions with few specifics to back them.

In that Mr Davis provides clear examples of not only the public being closed out of discussions regarding policies, but even minority members of the school board being equally shut out.

What Mr Kenney blithely skims over with 1 sentence, halfway into his apologetica as "True, the present majority has not precisely done the best job of observing Roberts Rules of Order. " - I would posit is much more imperious and acting more like a "fief than a school district" than any complaints, comments, challenges lawfully provided by those who oppose or question a 1 vote majority on a school board who, by that one vote - one person out of 7, sees themselves as mandated to do as they please without notice, debate, or challenge.

What could be more undemocratic?

And for someone who proclaimed just yesterday about the problem's of incivility impeding discourse, he sure does throw around terms like "mob, arrogance, imperious, mob enforcers, etc." If that isn't polite and welcoming to discourse, I don't know what is. Not so sure he does, either.

And even he is apparently too revulsed by many of this board's partisan and egregious actions to defend all of them.

The book bannings, refusal to account to the public, nor address grievances. I guess that's the local equivalent of fair and balanced. Yet he still demands that they be obeyed without question. That their rightness is unquestioned despite an absence of facts backing his claims.

For those who claim they believe to the bottom of their soul in limited government, doesn't seem to apply when they get in charge, does it? Then every standard, promise, courtesy is abandoned in a glut of expediency.

Don't believe me?

Ask Judge Garland. Oh, you can't. Trust Roe v Wade as settled law. That's right, you can't - ask Judge Kavanaugh. That you can do. Or you can just read the edicts from Superintendent Taylor. Nothing could be clearer examples of imperiousness posing as sound governance.

And yet, we are supposed to abandon generations of professional standards, accountability, or the wisdom of those in the trenches, doing the work that most parents choose not to, or cannot do as well, if at all - and blindly and on faith turn over the core education of our children - because Betsy Davos or some anonymous billionaire in Texas supports such stuff?

No thanks. Hope Spotsy gets this sorted out. They needlessly suffer, otherwise.

Like I said, long on claims, short on facts, and shorter still on sound reasoning.

Good thing I ain't grading it.

Though it looks like the parents in Spotsy would be wise to do so.

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"...long on claims, short on facts, and shorter still on sound reasoning."

Man, projection really is a thing -- isn't it?

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Sorry, no matter how much noise dissenters make, a Board that has a solid majority voting block only has itself to blame when they can’t get things done.

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On that I think we can all agree. Yet there is a certain hamstringing that seems to happen when conservatives are in charge that the left just doesn't seem to have to wrangle with when they have majorities.

The old line from the War College was "culture commands" -- but perhaps you are right: it's a constant and not a variable, and whining about it doesn't change the math (or the headwinds).

Fair point indeed, Kassie.

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Really? How so?

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How so what?

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