Learning Lane Work Expected to be Completed in April
By Adele Uphaus

Emergency stormwater repairs on Learning Lane that have caused the road to be closed since last summer are expected to conclude in April, the City of Fredericksburg announced today.
“The project is now expected to be completed by April 11, 2025, with ongoing pipe installation through March and final bank restoration, seeding and paving scheduled for early April,” a press release about the work states.
The project involved the installation of new stormwater culvert pipes, and more than half of those—totaling 480 feet—have been installed as of this month. Sanitary sewer rerouting has also been completed.
“It was discovered that soils previously tested as a reusable material are, in fact, unsuitable for the structural integrity of the project,” the press release states. “Borrow material (suitable replacement soil) is being brought onto the project site to provide structurally sound material around the culverts and under the new road.”
Erosion of the embankment at Learning Lane “had encroached within six feet of the paved roadway,” which caused the project to start during the 2024-25 school year.
“The City acknowledges the significant inconvenience caused by this project, particularly to nearby schools and neighborhoods affected by detour routes, as this essential project progresses,” the press release states.
The City also announced the following stormwater infrastructure work:
Completion of a new 54” storm drainage relining between Kingsmill and Twin Lake Drive.
Completion of a new storm water culvert relining at Stonewall Drive.
Completion of a 15” storm water repair and culvert relining at Morningside Drive.
Completion of design and awarding of a construction contract on a drainage ditch repair on William Street, just west of Emancipation Highway.
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