Local Martin Luther King Jr. Day Events
A sampling of local events scheduled this month to honor MLK Jr.
By Adele Uphaus
Email Adele
There are many events scheduled around the Fredericksburg area to celebrate and honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day, starting this weekend and running through the end of the month. Read on for a sampling of events, and if you are hosting or know of an event that you’d like to see added to the list, email us!
MLK Jr. Kids Day
Sunday, January 19| 3-4 p.m.| James Monroe High School, 2300 Washington Avenue, Fredericksburg
Children from the local Fredericksburg area are invited to enjoy games, activities, and crafts to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at the annual community MLK celebration. The event is part of the University of Mary Washington James Farmer Multicultural Center’s MLK Day Celebration and is co-sponsored by the Partnership for Excellence.
University of Mary Washington Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Keynote Speaker: Derrick Johnson
Wednesday, January 22 | 7 p.m. | Chandler Ballroom C, Cedric Rucker University Center, Fredericksburg
Derrick Johnson serves as President and CEO of the NAACP, a title he has held since October of 2017. Part of UMW James Farmer Multicultural Center’s MLK Day Celebration, cosponsored by Germanna Community College and the UMW NAACP College Chapter.
University of Mary Washington MLK Jr. Day of Service
Saturday, January 25 | 1 to 4 p.m. | Chandler Ballroom, Cedric Rucker University Center, Fredericksburg.
Register here: bit.ly/umwmlk25.
Join UMW students to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision with service projects for Fredericksburg-area agencies. Observed each year as “a day on, not a day off,” MLK Day is the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service to encourage everyone to volunteer to improve their communities. Refreshments will be provided. Part of UMW James Farmer Multicultural Center’s MLK Day Celebration, cosponsored by COAR.
Germanna Community College MLK Day of Service
Thursday, January 30 | 1 to 4 p.m. | Student Life and Leadership Room, 10000 Germanna Point Drive, Fredericksburg
Germanna’s Day of Service honors Dr. King’s legacy through community engagement. We will come together to create warm-weather kits for those who need them. This will be a meaningful event full of service and community. After the kits are created, we will hear from a guest speaker and participate in the Red Sand Project.
Red Sand Project is a participatory artwork created by Molly Gochman that uses sidewalk interventions and earthwork installations to create opportunities for people to question, connect, and take action against vulnerabilities that can lead to human trafficking, modern slavery, and exploitation.
NAACP Fredericksburg Branch’s 2025 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Breakfast
Monday, January 20 | 9am – 11am | Fredericksburg Convention Center, Fredericksburg
Join the Fredericksburg NAACP for their annual prayer breakfast in celebration of the work of MLK! Enjoy breakfast at 9am followed by a program filled with music, prayer, and uplifting speech. Proceeds from this event support the Fredericksburg NAACP in their efforts throughout the year. Get tickets here.
Visualize and Rise MLK Day of Service
Saturday, January 18 | 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. | Ralph Bunche High School, 10139 James Madison Parkway, King George
The community is invited to help the Visualize and Rise Foundation breathe life back into one of King George County’s most historic facilities. Tasks will include clean-up, maintenance and other work at the school's auxiliary building, an initial step in our first phase of the Ralph Bunche High School Revitalization Project.
Spotsylvania Sunday School Union MLK Prayer Breakfast
Monday, January 20 | 9 a.m. to noon | River Club Church, 10835 Tidewater Drive, Spotsylvania
Guest speaker: Mo Petway, president of the Spotsylvania NAACP. Tickets are $25, or $10 for students.
Spotsylvania NAACP MLK Bridge Walk
Monday, January 20 | 1 to 2 p.m. | Fall Hill Avenue bridge over Interstate 95
Join President Petway, PD16 concerned citizens, elected officials and others for a free Conversation on the Bridge event. The conversation is to include Civil Rights, Criminal Justice Reform and Equal Rights and will take place on the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Bridge right here in Fredericksburg.
Local Obituaries
To view local obituaries or to send a note to family and loved ones, please visit the link that follows.
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