Martin, I am an independent thinker who is thrilled you're taking on such an endeavor as F2S, but I found the juxtaposition of today's two articles jarring. My favorite Martin Davis FLS editorial was the one where you wrote about a conservative acquaintance who acted as a counterweight to your liberal-oriented opinions, because it evoked the promise of balance and tolerance, both of which are needed to solve problems. The Spotsy School Board's disenfranchising actions speak for themselves, yet from your commentary's rather hyperbolic opening paragraph to its conspiratorial closing, you fanned the flames and widened the political divide which you claim to shun in the next article. Yesterday's FLS article on the Spotsy School Board by Adele Uphaus gives us a great example of letting the facts speak for themselves.
Martin, I am an independent thinker who is thrilled you're taking on such an endeavor as F2S, but I found the juxtaposition of today's two articles jarring. My favorite Martin Davis FLS editorial was the one where you wrote about a conservative acquaintance who acted as a counterweight to your liberal-oriented opinions, because it evoked the promise of balance and tolerance, both of which are needed to solve problems. The Spotsy School Board's disenfranchising actions speak for themselves, yet from your commentary's rather hyperbolic opening paragraph to its conspiratorial closing, you fanned the flames and widened the political divide which you claim to shun in the next article. Yesterday's FLS article on the Spotsy School Board by Adele Uphaus gives us a great example of letting the facts speak for themselves.