Stafford Board of Supervisors Meeting Preview
By Adele Uphaus
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The Stafford Board of Supervisors meets Tuesday evening at 5 p.m. The agenda includes staff presentations, four public hearings, and appointment of a representative to the Central Rappahannock Regional Library Board of Trustees, as well as to the Chesapeake Bay Board and the Wetlands Board.
Work Session Items
The County Administrator will present an update on the 2025 General Assembly session, which began on January 8.
Presentations/Reports by Staff
The budget department will present a fiscal year 2025 mid-year review and request approval of the following resolutions:
A resolution to approve appropriation of prior year fund balances for “strategic initiatives” in the Treasurer and Development Services offices, and transfer of funds from the Transportation Impact Fee Fund to the Transportation Fund.
A resolution to appropriate $3.5 million in interest earnings to meet “positive arbitrage obligation” for schools’ Virginia Public School Authority Bond debt.
A resolution to appropriate $255,000 of additional revenues to augment plan review services associated with Stafford Technology Campus, a data center development. These funds will be reimbursed by the developer per the proffer statement.
A resolution appropriating a portion of the fiscal year 2025 5% appropriation hold ($15.3 million, with $8.6 million to be transferred to the school division’s operating fund).
The planning and zoning department will request approval of the following two resolutions:
A resolution appointing Juan Bernal as zoning administrator
Resolutions accepting and budgeting grant funds from the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation and the Virginia Department of Forestry for the acquisition of open space easements.
Public Hearings
The Board will hold public hearings on the following items:
A conditional use permit to allow a hospital use (outpatient adult mental health clinic) in an existing suite at 125 Woodstream Boulevard, in Stafford Marketplace. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this conditional use permit in November, according to the background report.
A zoning map amendment naming an existing unnamed private road in the George Washington district. The proposed name is “Howe Estates Lane.”
Proposed amendments to the subdivision ordinance “to allow for administrative reductions of the time period of ownership requirements for family subdivisions,” according to the background report.
An ordinance implementing the county’s revised drought management plan.
Board Appointments
The board is scheduled to appoint representatives to the Wetlands Board, Chesapeake Bay Board, and the Central Rappahannock Regional Library Board of Trustees.
Appointment of a representative to the CRRL board was on the agenda for the last Board of Supervisors meeting but was postponed. There are now four citizens who have applied to serve on the CRRL Board—in addition to the three under consideration at the last meeting, Clay Calvert has submitted an application.
In his application, Calvert, a 30-year resident of Stafford, wrote that he knows “how important a vital, vibrant library is to our community and our county.”
“In addition,” he wrote, “I have developed a strong desire to serve my community as a direct result of the recent situation involving Mary Becelia’s unjust removal from the CRRL BoT. Joining the CRRL Board would not only be a new way to serve my community, but it would allow our family to still maintain a tie to an institution that we value very strongly.”
County Administrator’s Report
County Administrator Bill Ashton will present his report, which includes the amended minutes of the July 10, 2024, board meeting in which the word “misconduct” is stricken from the reason for the motion to remove Mary Becelia from the CRRL Board of Trustees.
Meeting Details
Local Obituaries
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