Stafford School Board Meeting Preview
The board will elect leadership for 2025 and is set to approve a high school redistricting plan.
By Adele Uphaus
Email Adele
The Stafford School Board will hold its first meeting of 2025 on Tuesday at 7 p.m.
Election of Officers & Organizational Business
The board will elect a chair and vice-chair, adopt the 2025 meeting calendar, appointment of clerk and deputy clerk, appointment of citizens to School Board advisory committees, and appointment of Board members to serve on boards and commissions.
Consent Agenda
There are 11 items on the consent agenda, including:
Adoption of proclamations for Black History Month, Career and Technical Education Month, School Social Worker Week, and School Board Clerk Appreciation Week.
Adoption of School Board and superintendent’s goals for 2025.
Review of Memorandums of Understanding between the School Board and the Stafford Education Foundation and the School Board and the Sheriff’s Office. (The current MOU between the board and the Sheriff’s Office is here; proposed revisions cover coordination of press releases between the two entities, requirement that a parent or school administrator be present if a student is interviewed at school for suspected criminal activity, and new sections on body worn cameras and CCTV requests.)
Review of annual class size report
Review of student absenteeism and disciplinary report
Review of student meal debt (which increased $23,696.74 in December over the previous month)
The Board will hear a presentation and recommendations from Transportation Advisory Services, a consultant hired to perform an analysis of the division’s transportation system.
There will also be a presentation of a check from the Rotary Clubs of Stafford and North Stafford to offset student meal debt.
Awards and Recognitions
The Board will recognize Rock Hill district representative Patricia Healy for 25 years of service and will present a proclamation recognizing School Counseling Week to Shannon Kelly of Moncure Elementary, the 2024 School Counselor of the Year.
Action Item
The Board’s only action item is adoption of a high school redistricting plan. There are five scenarios still under consideration and the division has completed a transportation analysis for all five scenarios.
Closed Session
The Board will hold a closed session to discuss “the performance of specific support services personnel (Operations)” and “to discuss or consider the acquisition of real property for a public purpose (warehouse space) where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body.”
Meeting Details
Local Obituaries
To view local obituaries or to send a note to family and loved ones, please visit the link that follows.
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