Tim Duffy is a nice guy, but he would never allow a school to be run as he allows City Hall to be run. Annual reviews are not required (some departments do them, other don't), special pay raises go to cronies (see no required reviews), women employees are bullied with HR protecting the hierarchy rather than employees, and so on. I am sure my bringing these things to his attention were dismissed as me being a disgruntled employee. Pretty convenient. An independent HR audit would reveal these things and more, but good luck getting anyone to do that. In the meantime, there are more PIOs in City Hall than engineers. Fredericksburg has water and sewer infrastructure that can be valued at over one billion dollars. Yest that is a "b." The same with streets. Over one billion in value. Again with a "b." Yet there are more PIOs than engineers. Hmmm.

Erik Nelson

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If this sort of puff piece is the best you can do, do we really need another medium? At least you could have asked him why school results are so poor. He hints at it, but explains little.

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